Why am I being asked to pay or log in to access an article?


When the library does not subscribe to a certain article, the journal publisher may ask you to pay or log in to view it. If you see a message like this, double check the date of the article against the Publication Finder to make sure it falls within our subscribed dates. For example, we have access to articles in this journal if they were published 1995-present. If your article was published in 1993, you would not be able to download the full text of the article.

If the article you cannot open falls within the date range in the Publication Finder, Ask a Librarian and you will be contacted by the Electronic Resources department. If your article does not fall within the date ranges, you can request the article through InterLibrary Loan.

Please note one exception: Educational Leadership requires a login to read some articles. You can find login credentials in the Publication Finder. If the credentials do not work for you, please report your problem to a librarian.

  • Last Updated May 09, 2024
  • Views 83
  • Answered By Gina Cherundolo

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