What journals are available through the library?


The Farley Library subscribes to more than 90,000 journals and newspapers. You can view and search the available journals and coverage dates in our collection by consulting the Publication Finder.

Journal Search Tips

  • Title Search: If you have an article citation or are looking for a specific journal, use the title search option.
  • Subject Search: If you are looking to browse journals on a particular subject, select the subject search and type your terms in the search box. Clicking on the topical subject heading will produce a list of all the journals the library has access to that cover that topic.
  • Dates of Coverage: Each journal title will provide a list of all the databases where it can be accessed. Make sure to note the date ranges under the database link, as these will determine if the specific issue of the journal you are looking for is available in that database. For example, Issues in Mental Health Nursing is available from 1998 to one year ago in the CINAHL database, but present access is available directly from the publisher because Wilkes subscribes to this journal.


  • Last Updated May 02, 2024
  • Views 90
  • Answered By Gina Cherundolo

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